Metaphor Evaluation

Literary Device Evaluation-Metaphor

     Metaphors help readers understand the novel's plot as well as shows a lot about the characters and their life. One example in “Their Eyes Were Watching God”, shows that Nanny wanted Janie to marry a rich guy in a higher class. She tells Janie “ Ah wanted yuh to school out and pick from a higher bush and a sweeter berry.” (Page 13) This helps the reader understand what Nanny wants for Janie and that a rich guy will support Janie and that is the best man for her. Nanny also shows the reader that she has high hopes for Janie and that she needs to school out and pick the right guy and not someone like Logan who will treat her bad. This shows that a simple metaphor can give a reader a new perspective in the plot and show a new meaning to a quote. 
     In another example Janie shows how she felt about Tea Cake when she quotes “He was a glance from God.”(Page 106) This metaphor shows the reader the relationship between the two characters and it relates him to God and it shows that Janie has strong feelings for him. The reader can understand the true relationship between others with a simple comparing metaphor. Metaphors can show numerous things about the plot and characters and the relationships the characters have with one another. The reader can understand why the character feels that way and how the character feels through a comparison. 
     A third example that shows that women were not treated very well is “De woman is de mule uh de world so fur as Ah can see.”(Page 153) This shows the reader that in the past the men controlled the women. They treated the women as mules and had them slave around. This metaphor gives you a different perspective if you think and analyze it and understand the relationship between the men and their women and how the past use to be compared to today. This quote also shows the reader why Logan and Joe treated Janie the way they did because they felt power over her. 
     Janie has many wishes about how her life could be. On page 11 she quotes “ Oh to be a pear tree-any tree in bloom.” She compares herself to being a tree with glossy leaves and buds. She says this because it shows a woman's identity and it was one of her dreams. It signifies wholeness for Janie and to be something in life. This shows the reader that the plot of the story is based around Janie's goals and her identity. She wants to complete her goals and it shows a lot about her character. She is a strong woman who will do whatever she wants and will not be controlled. She values her freedom greatly. 
     A fifth example of a metaphor that gives the reader a better understanding would be “Put me down easy, Janie, Ah'm a cracked plate.”(Page 20) They are comparing themselves to a cracked plate meaning they are fragile and that they want sympathy from Janie. This shows that Nanny wanted the best for Janie and would do anything for her to be successful in life. She did her best to raise Janie and does what she can. I believe this quote shows the reader about Nanny and gives a better understanding of how she raised Janie and why she had such a great impact on her. This quote shows a lot about the plot and that since Janie heard this quote she does her best in life and that she is grateful for what she has in life and the experiences she learned when she young. 
     Metaphors are great devices to help readers understand an idea through a comparison. I believe that metaphors are used to change up a story and give a different perspective as well as show who the characters are and describe the plot they are involved in. Metaphors can show the reader a strong connection between something that the character is showing in the story and by comparing the idea they are showing to something else. Authors use these metaphors to give the reader a better understanding about the plot or main characters. Instead of just stating a fact they can compare two unlike things to show the reader the relationship between the two. Metaphors make the reading fun and understanding as well as interesting. It helps the novel flow and “Their Eyes Were Watching God”, is surrounded by many metaphors comparing things in Janie's life. It shows us who Janie is and what she values in her life as well as her goals and relationships with the ones around her. Metaphors are great devices to show the reader a fact about the plot and main characters and it helps them understand and analyze the novel better.

Written By:  Britney Brown